First day in the van

Dalhart, TX to Guymon, OK: 72.4 miles; 389 feet of climb

Should have been an easy day. Low miles, no climb.

Unfortunately, the winds were ~20 mph out of the north. We had a good pace line with ~9 riders. At the 30 mile mark, we had been pedaling for 2 hours and 40 minutes.

Got to see on cool statue which used to be the entry to a bar. You walked through his legs to enter.

With 40 miles to go, the winds blowing steady, and my legs shot, Linda and I got in the SAG Van for a ride to the hotel. Probably one of the better decisions I have made. I walked into my room at 2 and slept until 4.

We live to ride another day.

Another MD joined our group, so more medical discussions. He wore this jersey yesterday, and Linda asked him about it

The wife of a neurology researcher at the Cleveland Clinic suffers from Parkinson's Disease. They like to bike, so to help keep her on the road, they got a tandem. After a ride, her tremor diminished, her hand writing improved, and her sense of smell returned. They have expanded the research to 35 different centers around the country. It appears it has to do with a fast, prolonged cadence. The research centers have incorporated bike racers to take patients out on longer rides with fast cadence. The improvements typically last from 3 days to 3 weeks.

One of the other riders mentioned that his wife also works with Parkinson's patients. They have developed a program teaching no contact boxing with good initial results. 

We are lucky to have these folks working on this devastating disease.


  1. Bill, sounds like you made the right move: the trip is supposed to be fun as well as a challenge, right? I once bonked with 4 miles to go on a weeklong trip and had to finish via a cab ride! Someday i'll go back and ride those 4 miles. Enjoy.


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