Concan to Kerrville

Started the day with a firm head wind and a long hill. A needed rest stop at the top and a beautiful view.
We passed a lot of ranches where folks can "hunt" whitetail and doves. The further east we go, the nicer the entrances to the ranches 
I do like the idea of hunting hogs.

For about a mile or so there were cowboy boots on all the fences posts on both sides of the road.

The last 30 miles or so of our 72 miles were for the most part curvy, rollling hills and little traffic. Wonderful.
Nice bbq lunch. 


  1. Sorry been out. Those boots on the posts are super David Lynch-y and also very Texas Chainsaw. Stay safe down there! Miss y'all

  2. Sounds like you had a very enjoyable day. Why the boots on the fences - did you ever find out? You both are doing great, especially Linda.

    1. Thanks Lynn. I'll have to look up the boot fence.


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